From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.
"There can be only one" was the strapline to the popular 1986 film Highlander it went on to become a cult classic with a soundtrack from the Queen and Mr Mercury. The story was about men becoming immortal warriors or men becoming gods and the only way to kill them was by removing their heads. The only place you couldn't do this was in a place of war ship as it was designated a sanctuary or neutral territory. The film also starred 007 himself Sean Con nery and started off in New York with a sword fight between two immortals. Here is a synopsis of the plot just to remind us...
I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.
In 1536, MacLeod—appearing to be the same age as he is in 1985—rides with his fellow clan members into battle against their rivals, the Clan Fraser, in Scotland. The Frasers have hired the services of the Kurgan (C lanc y Brown), a sinister mercenary, to defeat their rivals, with the Kurgan's only demand being that MacLeod is to be left to him. MacLeod senses the Kurgan's presence before he is attacked, but he is no match for the Kurgan and is mortally wounded before his fellow clansmen can rescue him. MacLeod receives the last rites and appears to die of his injuries away from the battle field, but when he miraculously returns to life shortly after dying he is accused of witchcraft. Although his fellow clan members demand his execution, his cousin Ang(el)us takes pity on him and instead exiles MacLeod from the clan.
In 1541, MacLeod is married to H eat her and has settled in Glencoe, working as a blacksmith. Their peaceful lives are interrupted when MacLeod is approached by Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez (Sean Connery), who claims to be the Chief Metallurgist for Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain.
He identifies himself and MacLeod as “Immortals”, a race of near-invulnerable and long-lived beings who wand er the Earth concealing themselves from mortal humans; Ram írez himself was born in Ancient Egypt and lived in Japan in 5(9)3 BC, where he acquired his k(at) an a.
Descibes my fav guy that some people think I have an obsession with..
"I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
But God said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then God put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. (immortality) So Cain went out from the God's presence and lived in the land of Nod, (Oz) east of Eden.
It also reminds me of this legend which has shades of the same story
Some scholars have identified components of the legend of the Eternal Jew in Teutonic legends of the Eternal Hunter, some features of which are derived from Wotan mythology.
There were claims of sightings of the Wandering Jew throughout Europe, since at least 1542 in Hamburg up to 1868 in Harts Corners, New York. Joseph Jacobs, writing in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, commented 'It is difficult to tell in any one of these cases how far the story is an entire fiction and how far some ingenious impostor took advantage of the existence of the myth'.
In 1810 Shelley had written a poem in four cantos with the title The Wandering Jew but it remained unpublished until 1877.
There are clear echoes of the Wandering Jew in Wagner's The Flying Dutchman, whose plot line is adapted from a story by Heinrich Heine (88) in which the Dutchman is referred to as 'the Wandering Jew of the ocean'.
The Soviet satirists Ilya Ilf and Yevgeni Petrov had their hero Ostap Bender tell the story of the Wandering Jew's death at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists in The Little Golden Calf.
In both Gustav Meyrink's The Green Face (1916) and Leo Perutz's The Marquis of Bolibar (1920), the Wandering Jew features as a central character.
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Beast and False Prophet Symbolism |
In returning to the plot..of Highlander...
Ramírez explains to MacLeod that Immortals can sense each other through a form of extra-sensory perception called “The Quickening” and can only permanently die if they are beheaded. As such, they participate in what they call “The Game”, an eternal contest between Immortals that will only end at the time of “The Gathering”, when the final Immortals are drawn together to battle each other until only one is left standing. The final Immortal, in turn, will receive what is only known as the Prize, the combined power of the Quickening's taken from each Immortal as they are killed. The prophecy about the Prize is worded in such a way that makes it clear that the Gathering is taking place in 1985 New York City.1518 adds up to 33 and 2018 is exactly 33 years from 1985 and we know how they just love that number.
As the Kurgan was earlier witnessed battling Kastigar, the police assume that he is the murderer and that “Russell Nash” is the final victim, allowing MacLeod to change his identity once again. MacLeod—now mortal, and capable of having a family—returns to the Scottish Highlands with Brenda, where he explains that he is NEO the one with all living things, and that his new powers enable him to understand everyone’s thoughts and help bring them together.
The lyrics to one of the tracks of the movie entitled One Vi sion...declares boldly the message behind the film.
One man, one goal,
One mission.
One heart, one soul,
Just one solution.
One flash of light, yeah,
One god, one vision.
One flesh, one bone,
One true religion.
One voice, one hope,
One real decision.
Wowowowo, gimme one vision, yeah.
No wrong, no right.
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white.
No blood, no stain.
All we need is one worldwide vision.
One flesh, one bone,
One true religion.
One voice, one hope,
One real decision.
Wowowowowo, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah!
I had a dream when I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union.
But a cold wind blows,
And a dark rain falls,
And in my heart it shows.
Look what they've done to my dream, yeah.
One vision!
So give me your hands,
Give me your hearts.
I'm ready.
There's only one direction.
One world, one nation,
Yeah, one vision.
The third film Highlander the Sorcerer (alternatively titled Highlander: The Final Dimension) was first released by Dimension films on November 25, 1994. The third movie contradicts both the second film and the television series, acting as a stand-alone sequel to the original movie. MacLeod battles a warrior who missed the original Gathering, because he was buried deep in a Japanese cave that is holy ground, isolating him from the supposedly final contest of the first film.
Kane (played by Ma rio Van Peebles) is a master of the "power of illusion," which allows him to create false imagery to deceive his enemies he is also depicted as a shapeshifter. Connor, who has lived with his adopted son John for years with the belief that he is the final Immortal, must return to New York and finish the job he started back in 1985. Along the way, he finds a new love, Dr. Alex Johnson (Deborah Unger).
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Kane depicting his two horns and his title Lord of the Rings |
In future posts I aim to show how this same conflict between these two figures is portrayed both in ancient and modern culture and repeated over and over again to prepare our collective consciousness to believe in the coming illusion.
Connor Macleod represents the hero/saviour archetype, Kane (Kurgan) represents the evil villain who after being released from his prison enslaves the world. Connor arrives as the hero who rescues us from Kane's oppres sion but the rub is its all a show the reality is they are on the same team... and from the same family...and their conflict is a charade played out to get us to accept the hero's new golden age. By the time I have finished you will be left in no doubt that this is the endgame.
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This time it is shown clearly that they belong to the same family bloodline |
Connor goes by many names; the renegade, the man of lawlessness the outlaw and Outlander as well as Highlander. His buddy Ram ires plays the role of sidekick, he is a magician, a magus also known as the alche mist and the false prophet. A time lord is normally depicted wearing a hat and Ram ires definitely doesn't disap point...
Nice peacock feathers!! that and the purple hat shows his royal angelic origins.
Catholics adopted the symbol of the peacock to represent resurrection, renewal and immortality. This came from the ancient legend that the flesh of the peacock did not decay. Thus we find paintings and mosaics with the peacock as early as the 3rd century on the walls of the catacombs of Rome, a symbol of the exchanging of the mortal earthly body for the glorified body and eternal life of the glorified soul in Heaven.
Also the medieval bestiaries tell us that the peacock sheds its old feathers every year and grows newer, more brilliant ones each year, a sign of renewal, and the feathers were used to decorate churches at Easter and Christmas. You can also find the peacock in many mosaics and images in baptisteries of ancient Catholic churches in the East and West.
Because of this belief that the peacock’s flesh did not decay after death, the peacock became a symbol of Christ, and, as such, early Christian paintings and mosaics use peacock imagery. When the peacock displays its tail, it looks like hundreds of eyes are watching us. Because of this, the peacock has been associated with the all-seeing eye of God Who sees all actions and all people, meaning that nothing escapes the universal Justice. The peacock also came to symbolize the all-seeing Catholic Church, who watches over her children continually, day and night. I think we shall leave the children out of it for now.
The peacock is a destroyer of serpents and the bestiaries tell us it could swallow the poisonous venom without harm. It then used the poisons it swallowed to create its colourful plumage. For this reason, it's blood was believed to dispel evil spirits, and it's feathers and meat to cure snake-bite and sickness. St. Augustine affirms this belief of the antiseptic qualities of the peacock flesh in The City of God:
“For who but God the Creator of all things has given to the flesh of the peacock its antiseptic property? This property, when I first heard of it, seemed to me incredible; but it happened at Carthage that a bird of this kind was cooked and served up to me, and, taking a suitable slice of flesh from its breast, I ordered it to be kept, and when it had been kept as many days as make any other flesh stinking, it was produced and set before me, and emitted no offensive smell. And after it had been laid by for thirty days and more, it was still in the same state; and a year after, the same still, except that it was a little more shriveled, and drier.” (Book 21, chapter 4):
Peacocks are also known to eat poisonous plants with no ill effects, another reason why their feathers are a symbol of incorruptibility and immortality.
Peacocks are linked to cherubim and in my last post I spoke about them being guardians. Here, two peacocks stand guard over the pine cone some in the New Age movement say that the pine cone is a symbol for the pineal gland.
The sculpture in the courtyard of the Vatican Museum that named the courtyard itself (Pigna = pine cone).
Famously described by Dante in his Inferno, this sculpture was likely discovered in the Middle Ages at a sanctuary dedicated to the Egyptian gods Isis and Serapis at the Campus Martius in Rome. Though initially placed in the atrium of the old St. Peter’s Basilica, together with the two bronze peacocks of Hadrian, the Pigna was later relocated in 1608 and positioned as the crowning piece for the double staircase of the Nicchione—the central Niche of the Vatican courtyard—again, flanked by the two peacock sculptures.
The Pinecone Courtyard was part of the grand construction of the Bel vedere (DeVere) Courtyard, designed by Bramante and commissioned by Pope Julius II (della Rovere, 1503-1513).
On a personal note there was a rumour among my relatives that our family name was changed from Peacock some years back...which I find both intriguing and bizarre.
The Peacocks are in my opinion guardians of knowledge, wisdom and dimensions.
In returning to Ramires a Ram has two horns which fits with the false prophet archetype....
Then I saw another beast rising up out of the land [itself]; he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke (roared) like a dragon.
Sean Connery also spoke like a dragon as he was the voice of Draco the dragon in the following film
Catholics adopted the symbol of the peacock to represent resurrection, renewal and immortality. This came from the ancient legend that the flesh of the peacock did not decay. Thus we find paintings and mosaics with the peacock as early as the 3rd century on the walls of the catacombs of Rome, a symbol of the exchanging of the mortal earthly body for the glorified body and eternal life of the glorified soul in Heaven.
Also the medieval bestiaries tell us that the peacock sheds its old feathers every year and grows newer, more brilliant ones each year, a sign of renewal, and the feathers were used to decorate churches at Easter and Christmas. You can also find the peacock in many mosaics and images in baptisteries of ancient Catholic churches in the East and West.
Because of this belief that the peacock’s flesh did not decay after death, the peacock became a symbol of Christ, and, as such, early Christian paintings and mosaics use peacock imagery. When the peacock displays its tail, it looks like hundreds of eyes are watching us. Because of this, the peacock has been associated with the all-seeing eye of God Who sees all actions and all people, meaning that nothing escapes the universal Justice. The peacock also came to symbolize the all-seeing Catholic Church, who watches over her children continually, day and night. I think we shall leave the children out of it for now.
The peacock is a destroyer of serpents and the bestiaries tell us it could swallow the poisonous venom without harm. It then used the poisons it swallowed to create its colourful plumage. For this reason, it's blood was believed to dispel evil spirits, and it's feathers and meat to cure snake-bite and sickness. St. Augustine affirms this belief of the antiseptic qualities of the peacock flesh in The City of God:
“For who but God the Creator of all things has given to the flesh of the peacock its antiseptic property? This property, when I first heard of it, seemed to me incredible; but it happened at Carthage that a bird of this kind was cooked and served up to me, and, taking a suitable slice of flesh from its breast, I ordered it to be kept, and when it had been kept as many days as make any other flesh stinking, it was produced and set before me, and emitted no offensive smell. And after it had been laid by for thirty days and more, it was still in the same state; and a year after, the same still, except that it was a little more shriveled, and drier.” (Book 21, chapter 4):
Peacocks are also known to eat poisonous plants with no ill effects, another reason why their feathers are a symbol of incorruptibility and immortality.
Peacocks are linked to cherubim and in my last post I spoke about them being guardians. Here, two peacocks stand guard over the pine cone some in the New Age movement say that the pine cone is a symbol for the pineal gland.
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On the trail of the lonesome pine |
The sculpture in the courtyard of the Vatican Museum that named the courtyard itself (Pigna = pine cone).
Famously described by Dante in his Inferno, this sculpture was likely discovered in the Middle Ages at a sanctuary dedicated to the Egyptian gods Isis and Serapis at the Campus Martius in Rome. Though initially placed in the atrium of the old St. Peter’s Basilica, together with the two bronze peacocks of Hadrian, the Pigna was later relocated in 1608 and positioned as the crowning piece for the double staircase of the Nicchione—the central Niche of the Vatican courtyard—again, flanked by the two peacock sculptures.
The Pinecone Courtyard was part of the grand construction of the Bel vedere (DeVere) Courtyard, designed by Bramante and commissioned by Pope Julius II (della Rovere, 1503-1513).
On a personal note there was a rumour among my relatives that our family name was changed from Peacock some years back...which I find both intriguing and bizarre.
The Peacocks are in my opinion guardians of knowledge, wisdom and dimensions.
In returning to Ramires a Ram has two horns which fits with the false prophet archetype....
Then I saw another beast rising up out of the land [itself]; he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke (roared) like a dragon.
Sean Connery also spoke like a dragon as he was the voice of Draco the dragon in the following film
You will believe....their illusion... is the message
Draco also had two horns and looked a bit like a griffin....there is some confusion between the two...
They are also both guardians of wealth
Sean Connery also starred in another film which featured swords and beheading in which he played the Green Knight...
The film begins with a feast in a great hall during winter. A knight on horseback storms through the door and the crowd falls silent as the knight, all in green and carrying a large axe, walks up to the throne. He asks if any man has enough courage to challenge him to a game and finally a young squire named Gawain accepts. The knight tells Gawain that he has one chance to behead him, but then the knight gets to return the favor. Gawain beheads the knight but then the knight's torso walks up and grabs the head and puts it back on his body.
Sean Connery is swapping roles in this scenario he is playing the role of Cain (Kurgan) and Gawain the role of Connor. So Cain is green he has two horns and his mark is an a (x) e a cross. This is found throughout history, mythology, ancient legend and in our modern culture.
I mentioned in my last post how the Mastercard was used as a symbol that was designed to rule over us and the X is his mark as he has the X Factor and is part of the Barrow Gang as discussed in Gene Genie.
Ramirez reveals his true identity to Connor in the film
Ramirez: The sensation you are feeling is the quickening.
Connor MacLeod: Who are you?
Ramirez: We are the same, MacLeod. We are *brothers*!
They are all one big happy family....who were only able to produce seven generations....and this appears in the first Highlander film....
So this is part of the illusion the same actor if you will is playing different roles Sean Connery playing both Cain ie the Green Knight and also playing the false prophet Ramires thats because they are one and the same and this is the key to understanding all the ancient prophecies.
Christ opher Lamb ert played the role of Connor Macleod and his name itself bears witness that he is portraying the role of saviour/messiah.
Lambert also played the role of an immortal Lord in Mortal Kombat in which he also wore a hat..
He commands many supernatural abilities such as the ability to teleport and has control over lightning, and flight. As an immortal, he thinks in terms of eternity rather than normal human lifespans and his memories date back to the beginning of time itself. His name means "lightning and thunder" kinda like Baal the storm god.
In returning to Highlander it was Gregory Widen who wrote the script for Highlander, then titled Shadow Clan, as a class assignment while he was an undergraduate in the screenwriting program at UCLA. Widen sold the script for US$200,000.
According to William Panzer, joint producer with Peter S. Davis of the Highlander franchise:
Gregory Widen was a student at film school, and he wrote this as his writing class project. He was apparently traveling through Scotland on his summer vacation and he was standing in front of a suit of armor, and he wondered, 'What would it be like if that guy was alive today?' And that's where everything fell into place – the idea that there are Immortals and they were in conflict with each other, leading secret lives that the rest of us are unaware of...other sources say he got the idea while standing in the Tower of London.
Widen also used Ridley Scott's 1977 film The Duellists as inspiration for his story.It was about the 7th Hussars how many more sevens can we fit in.
Widen's original draft of the script differed significantly from the movie version. The initial story of the film was darker and more violent. Connor is born in 1408 rather than 1518. He lives with his mother and father. Heather doesn't exist; Connor is promised to a girl named Mara, who rejects him when she learns he's immortal. Connor leaves his village instead of being banished. His alias is Richard Tu pin and his weapon is a custom broadsword. Ramirez is a Spaniard born in 1100 instead of an ancient Egyptian born more than two thousand years earlier. The Kurgan is known as the Black Knight, using the alias Carl William Smith. He is not a savage, but a cold-blooded killer. Brenda is Brenda Cartwright.
Other elements were changed during the rewrite. Initially, immortals could have children; in the draft Connor is said to have had 37.
Whilst filming the director recalled one particular scene inside the castle "extraordinary," Mulcahy said the first time they shot The Kurgan bursting through a door to cut the table in half, Clancy Brown instead ran in and cut through the candelabra, nearly decapitating Sean Connery. Sean stormed off the set. Later, Connery returned and Brown apologised, saying he was very nervous. Takes life imitating art to a whole new level.
You will believe....their illusion... is the message
Draco also had two horns and looked a bit like a griffin....there is some confusion between the two...
They are also both guardians of wealth
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Benedict Cumberbatch takes a break from playing Sherlock |
Sean Connery also starred in another film which featured swords and beheading in which he played the Green Knight...
The film begins with a feast in a great hall during winter. A knight on horseback storms through the door and the crowd falls silent as the knight, all in green and carrying a large axe, walks up to the throne. He asks if any man has enough courage to challenge him to a game and finally a young squire named Gawain accepts. The knight tells Gawain that he has one chance to behead him, but then the knight gets to return the favor. Gawain beheads the knight but then the knight's torso walks up and grabs the head and puts it back on his body.
Sean Connery is swapping roles in this scenario he is playing the role of Cain (Kurgan) and Gawain the role of Connor. So Cain is green he has two horns and his mark is an a (x) e a cross. This is found throughout history, mythology, ancient legend and in our modern culture.
I mentioned in my last post how the Mastercard was used as a symbol that was designed to rule over us and the X is his mark as he has the X Factor and is part of the Barrow Gang as discussed in Gene Genie.
Ramirez reveals his true identity to Connor in the film
Ramirez: The sensation you are feeling is the quickening.
Connor MacLeod: Who are you?
Ramirez: We are the same, MacLeod. We are *brothers*!
They are all one big happy family....who were only able to produce seven generations....and this appears in the first Highlander film....
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The brothers are moving in |
So this is part of the illusion the same actor if you will is playing different roles Sean Connery playing both Cain ie the Green Knight and also playing the false prophet Ramires thats because they are one and the same and this is the key to understanding all the ancient prophecies.
Christ opher Lamb ert played the role of Connor Macleod and his name itself bears witness that he is portraying the role of saviour/messiah.
Lambert also played the role of an immortal Lord in Mortal Kombat in which he also wore a hat..
He commands many supernatural abilities such as the ability to teleport and has control over lightning, and flight. As an immortal, he thinks in terms of eternity rather than normal human lifespans and his memories date back to the beginning of time itself. His name means "lightning and thunder" kinda like Baal the storm god.
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He's got lightning in his veins |
In returning to Highlander it was Gregory Widen who wrote the script for Highlander, then titled Shadow Clan, as a class assignment while he was an undergraduate in the screenwriting program at UCLA. Widen sold the script for US$200,000.
According to William Panzer, joint producer with Peter S. Davis of the Highlander franchise:
Gregory Widen was a student at film school, and he wrote this as his writing class project. He was apparently traveling through Scotland on his summer vacation and he was standing in front of a suit of armor, and he wondered, 'What would it be like if that guy was alive today?' And that's where everything fell into place – the idea that there are Immortals and they were in conflict with each other, leading secret lives that the rest of us are unaware of...other sources say he got the idea while standing in the Tower of London.
Widen also used Ridley Scott's 1977 film The Duellists as inspiration for his story.It was about the 7th Hussars how many more sevens can we fit in.
Widen's original draft of the script differed significantly from the movie version. The initial story of the film was darker and more violent. Connor is born in 1408 rather than 1518. He lives with his mother and father. Heather doesn't exist; Connor is promised to a girl named Mara, who rejects him when she learns he's immortal. Connor leaves his village instead of being banished. His alias is Richard Tu pin and his weapon is a custom broadsword. Ramirez is a Spaniard born in 1100 instead of an ancient Egyptian born more than two thousand years earlier. The Kurgan is known as the Black Knight, using the alias Carl William Smith. He is not a savage, but a cold-blooded killer. Brenda is Brenda Cartwright.
Other elements were changed during the rewrite. Initially, immortals could have children; in the draft Connor is said to have had 37.
Whilst filming the director recalled one particular scene inside the castle "extraordinary," Mulcahy said the first time they shot The Kurgan bursting through a door to cut the table in half, Clancy Brown instead ran in and cut through the candelabra, nearly decapitating Sean Connery. Sean stormed off the set. Later, Connery returned and Brown apologised, saying he was very nervous. Takes life imitating art to a whole new level.
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Clancy sporting his team logo |
Clancy Brown almost turned down the role (which required prosthetics) because he had experienced an allergic reaction to prosthetic glue. Brown had just finished portraying Frankenstein's monster in The Bride and production had to be shut down for three weeks, his allergy was so severe. The crew felt that Brown became The Kurgan; according to the director, some people didn't want to go near him. In the American version, Brown licking the priest's hand was considered too controversial and was cut out. Mmm wasn't Frankenstein's monster created during a storm using lightning and he was a Doctor as well..and the human race is going to be his Bride...
Mulcahy said that the biggest dilemma of the film was "the visualization of the prize." He said, "Not knowing what to do, we did what we did." A combination of lighting effects and animation was used; the "electricity" seen was to cover the wires holding up Lambert, and the animation represented "Demonic souls of the past and all the immortals who have gone before him."
Glenfinnan was chosen as the location of the battle between Clan Macleod and Clan Fraser in the movie it was also Connors birthplace.
Glenfinnan is a village in Lochaber area of the Highlands of Scotland. In 1745 the Jacobite Rising began here when Prince Charles Edward Stuart ("Bonnie Prince Charlie") raised his standard on the shores of Loch Shiel. Seventy years later the 18-metre-high (60 ft) Glenfinnan Monument - at the head of the loch - was erected to commemorate the historic event.
Prince Charles initially landed from France on Eriskay in the Western Isles. He then traveled to the mainland in a small rowing boat, coming ashore at Loch nan Uamh just west of Glenfinnan. On arrival on the Scottish mainland, he was met by a small number of MacDonalds. Stuart waited at Glenfinnan for a number of days as more MacDonalds, Camerons, Macfies and MacDonnells arrived.
Eight months later Charles Stuart's claim to the thrones of Scotland and England ended in failure at Culloden on the 16 April 1746. Many Macfies, who came from Glenfinnan, followed Donald Cameron of Lochiel on the right flank of the Jacobite Army at the battle.
Charles Stuart returned to the area after Culloden during his flight to evade the government troops of Prince William, Duke of Cumberland. After being hidden by loyal supporters, he boarded a French frigate on the shores of Loch nan Uamh close to where he had landed and raised his standard the previous year. The Young Pretender died in Rome in 1788 after never setting foot on Scottish soil again. The Prince's Cairn now marks the spot from where he departed into exile. So we have a Prince Charles, a Prince William and a King George...sound familiar...
There is another monument nearby that links the Second World War to the Jacobite rebellion. It was decided then to make the Highlands the training centre and HQ for the Royal Marine Commando's.
In February 1942 the Commando training depot at Achnacarry in the Scottish Highlands was established by Brigadier Charles Hay don. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Charles Vaughan, the Commando depot was responsible for training complete units and individual replacements. The training regime was for the time innovative and physically demanding, and far in advance of normal British Army training.
The depot staff were all hand picked, with the ability to outperform any of the volunteers. Training and assessment started immediately on arrival, with the volunteers having to complete an 8-mile (13 km) march with all their equipment from the S pea n Bridge railway station to the commando depot. When they arrived they were met by Vaughan, who stressed the physical demands of the course and that any man who failed to live up to the requirements would be 'returned to unit' (RTU). rut rut
There is no doubt that Scotland is a place of great significance to the powers that be and to reinforce this another new series about the Highlands has been getting much publicity lately its name is similar..... Outlander. It is a time travel tale and it too is set in the same two time periods of the 1940's and the 1740's.
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Sting represents the Police the Law Coming |
Mulcahy said that the biggest dilemma of the film was "the visualization of the prize." He said, "Not knowing what to do, we did what we did." A combination of lighting effects and animation was used; the "electricity" seen was to cover the wires holding up Lambert, and the animation represented "Demonic souls of the past and all the immortals who have gone before him."
Glenfinnan was chosen as the location of the battle between Clan Macleod and Clan Fraser in the movie it was also Connors birthplace.
Glenfinnan is a village in Lochaber area of the Highlands of Scotland. In 1745 the Jacobite Rising began here when Prince Charles Edward Stuart ("Bonnie Prince Charlie") raised his standard on the shores of Loch Shiel. Seventy years later the 18-metre-high (60 ft) Glenfinnan Monument - at the head of the loch - was erected to commemorate the historic event.
Prince Charles initially landed from France on Eriskay in the Western Isles. He then traveled to the mainland in a small rowing boat, coming ashore at Loch nan Uamh just west of Glenfinnan. On arrival on the Scottish mainland, he was met by a small number of MacDonalds. Stuart waited at Glenfinnan for a number of days as more MacDonalds, Camerons, Macfies and MacDonnells arrived.
On Monday 19 August 1745, after Prince Charles judged he had enough military support, he climbed the hill near Glenfinnan as MacMaster of Glenaladale raised his royal standard. The Young Pretender then announced to all the mustered clans he claimed the Scottish and the English thrones in the name of his father James Stuart ('the Old Pretender'). A MacPhee (Macfie) was one of two pipers with Bonnie Prince Charlie when he raised his banner above Glenfinnan. Afterwards brandy was distributed to the assembled highlanders to celebrate the occasion. The little prince needs his Peter Pan the Piper.
Eight months later Charles Stuart's claim to the thrones of Scotland and England ended in failure at Culloden on the 16 April 1746. Many Macfies, who came from Glenfinnan, followed Donald Cameron of Lochiel on the right flank of the Jacobite Army at the battle.
Charles Stuart returned to the area after Culloden during his flight to evade the government troops of Prince William, Duke of Cumberland. After being hidden by loyal supporters, he boarded a French frigate on the shores of Loch nan Uamh close to where he had landed and raised his standard the previous year. The Young Pretender died in Rome in 1788 after never setting foot on Scottish soil again. The Prince's Cairn now marks the spot from where he departed into exile. So we have a Prince Charles, a Prince William and a King George...sound familiar...
There is another monument nearby that links the Second World War to the Jacobite rebellion. It was decided then to make the Highlands the training centre and HQ for the Royal Marine Commando's.
In February 1942 the Commando training depot at Achnacarry in the Scottish Highlands was established by Brigadier Charles Hay don. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Charles Vaughan, the Commando depot was responsible for training complete units and individual replacements. The training regime was for the time innovative and physically demanding, and far in advance of normal British Army training.
The depot staff were all hand picked, with the ability to outperform any of the volunteers. Training and assessment started immediately on arrival, with the volunteers having to complete an 8-mile (13 km) march with all their equipment from the S pea n Bridge railway station to the commando depot. When they arrived they were met by Vaughan, who stressed the physical demands of the course and that any man who failed to live up to the requirements would be 'returned to unit' (RTU). rut rut
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Band of Brothers United and ready to Conquer |
There is no doubt that Scotland is a place of great significance to the powers that be and to reinforce this another new series about the Highlands has been getting much publicity lately its name is similar..... Outlander. It is a time travel tale and it too is set in the same two time periods of the 1940's and the 1740's.
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Ancient rings of standing stones are shown as portals to another time/dimension |
In 1945, married World War II nurse Claire Beauchamp Randall finds herself transported back to Scotland in 1743, where she encounters a civil war and the dashing Highland warrior Jamie Fraser. It is no coincidence that the difference between the time periods is exactly 202 years as 22 ... is the number of the Bunny Barrow gang in particular little Georgie boy.
Now if you remember the Fraser Clan also appeared in Highlander and there is another Fraser link between this series and another popular time travel show.
In August 2014 it was announced that Frazer Hines had been cast in the role of a prison war den in an episode to air in 2015. From 1966 to 1969, Hines had portrayed Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who, a character who Diane Ga bal don has said inspired the setting of the Outlander series and the character Jamie Fraser. Fraser played a highland piper in the popular series and his last appearance in Dr Who was in an episode entitled War Games.
Frank is researching his family history, in particular his ancestor Jonathan "Black Jack" R and all. The morning after observing a modern Druid ritual among a set of standing stones on the hill of Craigh na Dun, Claire hears a strange noise coming from one of the stones. She places her hands on it and ... wakes up lying on the ground.
Soon she finds herself in the middle of a skirmish between Redcoats and Highlander rebels, and then comes face to face with Frank's sinister double: Black Jack Randall, Captain of His Majesty's Dragoons.(Dragons).
Now if you remember the Fraser Clan also appeared in Highlander and there is another Fraser link between this series and another popular time travel show.
In August 2014 it was announced that Frazer Hines had been cast in the role of a prison war den in an episode to air in 2015. From 1966 to 1969, Hines had portrayed Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who, a character who Diane Ga bal don has said inspired the setting of the Outlander series and the character Jamie Fraser. Fraser played a highland piper in the popular series and his last appearance in Dr Who was in an episode entitled War Games.
Jamie had his memory wiped and was sent back to his own time and he too like any good Highlander needed to be hit by a lightning bolt to jog his memory.
While out on the moors, Jamie appeared
to have been struck by lightning on a bright, clear day. The men who found him
noted that the heather around him had been dotted with flame and that his head
had been smoking. Nurse Muir watched over him, with him only remembering her
bandaging his head when he was first brought in seemingly days earlier.
began to remember travelling in the TARDIS with the Doctor, including the
incident on Helicon Prime, and told the nurse of his adventure. The nurse was
revealed to be Mindy Voir, who wanted the Fennus treasure from him, as he had
the knotted pendant that was stolen by the Doctor. She began to sing with her
deadly voice.
As he began to unwind the knot, voices whispered to him from
within it. Mindy became trapped inside the pendant when he finally undid the
knot. When Jamie awoke, he knew his identity, but did not know how he came to
be under the bed in the wrecked, burnt room. (AUDIO: Helicon Prime)
Frank is researching his family history, in particular his ancestor Jonathan "Black Jack" R and all. The morning after observing a modern Druid ritual among a set of standing stones on the hill of Craigh na Dun, Claire hears a strange noise coming from one of the stones. She places her hands on it and ... wakes up lying on the ground.
Soon she finds herself in the middle of a skirmish between Redcoats and Highlander rebels, and then comes face to face with Frank's sinister double: Black Jack Randall, Captain of His Majesty's Dragoons.(Dragons).
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Mar tin the Moon key from Mars |
A Scotsman rescues Claire from Randall's attack and takes her to his fellows; there she meets Jamie Fraser, first setting his dislocated arm and then treating his bullet wound as the group of Highlanders flee the Redcoats. Realizing that she seems to have traveled backward in time, Claire is brought to their home of Castle Leo ch.
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They are really pushing the Days of Future Past theme |
Frank discovers he is a bad boy who is capable of much violence and rage...just like his ancestor... well its in his genes he cannot help himself...and the picture above is the same three appearing again...
Blackjack was also a famous or infamous horse..also known for his bad behaviour
On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in his motorcade. America’s grief over their fallen president was accentuated by the sight of Black Jack, the coal black, riderless horse that participated in Kennedy’s funeral procession with his boots reversed in his stirrups, a poignant symbol of our country’s fallen hero.
The last of the U.S. Army’s Quartermaster-issued horses, Black Jack was born on Jan. 19, 1947, and was named in honor of General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing. He was branded with the Army’s U.S. brand on his left shoulder, and his Army serial number, 2V56, on the left side of his neck. According to Black Jack: America’s Famous Riderless Horse by Robert Knuckle, he made it pretty clear that he didn’t like to be ridden from the start. He threw rider after rider into the dirt of the training corral at Fort Reno (Okla.), and though over time they managed to find some control, he never lost his fiery spirit.
Nancy Schado pronounced Shadow a woman who lived in the area, began visiting Black Jack – and the other horses in the regiment – fairly regularly. She baked special goodies for the men and the horses. Upon one visit, she brought butter pecan (peacain) cake for everyone. And, to her surprise, Black Jack went crazy for it. So, she never brought anything else for Black Jack and was dubbed, “Black Jack’s Mother”. She was always a bit nutty but you knew that already.
Pay attention here as this is important..Black Jack was.named after General Pershing as in the Prince of Persia.....he was branded 2V56...V is the 22nd letter of the alphabet and X is the 24th or 42 reversed.....2 + V (22) = 24 AND 5 + 6 =11 and together they all add up to 35 or 53 reversed...53 is the number for resurrection. 11 represents the two pillars or guardians or peacocks. V (22) represents the unearthly child...the little saviour....prince who hatched back in Dec 2012.
Blackjack was also a famous or infamous horse..also known for his bad behaviour
On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in his motorcade. America’s grief over their fallen president was accentuated by the sight of Black Jack, the coal black, riderless horse that participated in Kennedy’s funeral procession with his boots reversed in his stirrups, a poignant symbol of our country’s fallen hero.
The last of the U.S. Army’s Quartermaster-issued horses, Black Jack was born on Jan. 19, 1947, and was named in honor of General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing. He was branded with the Army’s U.S. brand on his left shoulder, and his Army serial number, 2V56, on the left side of his neck. According to Black Jack: America’s Famous Riderless Horse by Robert Knuckle, he made it pretty clear that he didn’t like to be ridden from the start. He threw rider after rider into the dirt of the training corral at Fort Reno (Okla.), and though over time they managed to find some control, he never lost his fiery spirit.
Nancy Schado pronounced Shadow a woman who lived in the area, began visiting Black Jack – and the other horses in the regiment – fairly regularly. She baked special goodies for the men and the horses. Upon one visit, she brought butter pecan (peacain) cake for everyone. And, to her surprise, Black Jack went crazy for it. So, she never brought anything else for Black Jack and was dubbed, “Black Jack’s Mother”. She was always a bit nutty but you knew that already.
Pay attention here as this is important..Black Jack was.named after General Pershing as in the Prince of Persia.....he was branded 2V56...V is the 22nd letter of the alphabet and X is the 24th or 42 reversed.....2 + V (22) = 24 AND 5 + 6 =11 and together they all add up to 35 or 53 reversed...53 is the number for resurrection. 11 represents the two pillars or guardians or peacocks. V (22) represents the unearthly child...the little saviour....prince who hatched back in Dec 2012.
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Notice the V or the check mark |
Horses have a tradition of been used in a US Presidents funeral...both Washington and Lincoln's horses took part in theirs....its a tradition that goes all the way back to Genghis Khan.....Khan is Arabic for Cain....the name and the riderless horse showed their family bloodline as being linked to the Royal Family....of Khan (Cain)
Norway and Scotland are linked historically and geographically....the Vlking warriors wore horned helmets and had ships designed in the shape of dragons.
The flag of Scotland is also represented by an X and called the cross of St Andrew as he is their patron saint....
St Andrews Cross spider also comes from Oz the land of Nod....
This has nothing to do with the real historical figure of St Andrew his identity and that of his more famous brother has been hi jacked or cloned by the Brothers of Ormus but more on that in a future date.....
Alchemist's thought the fan of the peacock (cauda pavonis) is associated with certain texts and images that are useful in turning base metals into gold. Ramires was a alchemist a metallurgist...a Brother of Ormus....he was also 007 which is the number of Two Ball Cane....he too was a Black Smith...and represented by a v or a check mark....
St Andrews in Scotland is the home of golf...and Sean Connery being from Edinburgh himself.. loves playing golf like Obama its his favourite pastime.....
This conflict between Cain and his little prince between Royalist and Jacobite is important it is a battle for who gets to sit on the throne but there are two thrones and two towers.....and one is greater than the other....and they are all part of the Bunny Barrowhill gang..
One is symbolised by an X and one by a V or a check mark.... we have been taught from a very young age that an x means something is wrong it is not the right answer and a check mark means it is correct....the first will not fool us but the second will...
To reinforce my case even further there was also a film called Outlander which was directed by Howard Mc Cain which starred Jim Caviezel who played another Messiah role in The Passion of the Christ. He plays (yes you guessed it) Kain and once again he has to slay a dragon, the love interest is called Freya the Norse goddess.
A spacecraft crash lands in a large lake in No r way, circa 709 AD. From the wreckage emerges Kain an, a soldier, who was transporting (unknowingly aboard the ship) an alien monster, a Moorwen. After Kainan buries his captain he recovers a portable computer from the wreckage and uses it to find that he is on Earth (classified by his people as an "Abandoned Seed Colony") and there are no other interstellar vessels detected nearby.
Kainan is captured by Wulfric, a Norse warrior who dubs him an "outlander", losing his weapon in the river. He is held prisoner in the burg ruled by King Hrothgar who attempts to convince his headstrong daughter Freya it is time to give in and marry Wulfric, the future King. During his interrogation he tells a modified but mostly true story about hunting a dragon. On the journey, Kainan tells Hrothgar more of his story, that he is from a land very far away and that the "dragon" must have stowed away on his ship before sinking it in the lake.
Kainan also strikes up conversation with the drunken blacksmith Boromir who introduces Kainan to Herod Mead. While it appears that several men are attacked by the Moorwen, Kainan actually succeeds in killing a massive bear and saving the King who immediately releases him and gives him the sword he used to kill the bear.
A spacecraft crash lands in a large lake in No r way, circa 709 AD. From the wreckage emerges Kain an, a soldier, who was transporting (unknowingly aboard the ship) an alien monster, a Moorwen. After Kainan buries his captain he recovers a portable computer from the wreckage and uses it to find that he is on Earth (classified by his people as an "Abandoned Seed Colony") and there are no other interstellar vessels detected nearby.
Kainan is captured by Wulfric, a Norse warrior who dubs him an "outlander", losing his weapon in the river. He is held prisoner in the burg ruled by King Hrothgar who attempts to convince his headstrong daughter Freya it is time to give in and marry Wulfric, the future King. During his interrogation he tells a modified but mostly true story about hunting a dragon. On the journey, Kainan tells Hrothgar more of his story, that he is from a land very far away and that the "dragon" must have stowed away on his ship before sinking it in the lake.
Kainan also strikes up conversation with the drunken blacksmith Boromir who introduces Kainan to Herod Mead. While it appears that several men are attacked by the Moorwen, Kainan actually succeeds in killing a massive bear and saving the King who immediately releases him and gives him the sword he used to kill the bear.
Norway and Scotland are linked historically and geographically....the Vlking warriors wore horned helmets and had ships designed in the shape of dragons.
The flag of Scotland is also represented by an X and called the cross of St Andrew as he is their patron saint....
St Andrews Cross spider also comes from Oz the land of Nod....
This has nothing to do with the real historical figure of St Andrew his identity and that of his more famous brother has been hi jacked or cloned by the Brothers of Ormus but more on that in a future date.....
St Andrews in Scotland is the home of golf...and Sean Connery being from Edinburgh himself.. loves playing golf like Obama its his favourite pastime.....
This conflict between Cain and his little prince between Royalist and Jacobite is important it is a battle for who gets to sit on the throne but there are two thrones and two towers.....and one is greater than the other....and they are all part of the Bunny Barrowhill gang..
One is symbolised by an X and one by a V or a check mark.... we have been taught from a very young age that an x means something is wrong it is not the right answer and a check mark means it is correct....the first will not fool us but the second will...
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Maybe I should have to stuck to bond age |
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Tribe of Dan |
The same plot and characters are being repeated over and over and the question is.. in this land of illusion will we be able to fear no evil while walking through the Valley of the Shadow....and keep the faith..and see past it... listen to the Voice...and find the way out...the link below is a sign of great significance...
To be continued...