Epic, enthralling, extraordinary. This autumn the Rose stage will be transformed into a battleground for The Wars of the Roses, a gripping distillation of four of Shakespeare’s history plays, directed by Trevor Nunn, one of the world’s leading Shakespearean directors.
A spectacular theatrical event not seen since it was first produced at the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1963 by Peter Hall & John Barton, The Wars of the Roses is a trilogy of plays about one of the most tumultuous and intriguing periods of British history - the 15th century conflict between the House of York and the House of Lancaster for the throne of England.
Through these plays Shakespeare examines the very essence of human conflict. A tale of feuding families, murderous kings and adulterous queens, scheming and betrayal, revolts and battles, The Wars of the Roses chronicles the final struggle for power in medieval England.
The successful television series Game of Thrones is based on 'real' historical events but telling the difference between fiction and reality is becoming more difficult as the line between the two becomes more blurred with each passing day. In fact we could ask the question is there a difference at all between fictional stories and historical events; is our history not just made up stories that have been changed over time and are works of fiction now becoming ever more closer to reality.
Giant Game of Thrones
Don’t hold back on the Causeway Coastal Route. Get your feet wet on the Giant Causeway’s volcanic steps and swing with the gentle sway of the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. Views like those from Dunluce Castle don’t happen every day, so take your time, and take pictures. Getting a fantasy vibe? That’ll be the Game of Thrones effect: this landscape is its set. Winterfell, The Stormlands, the Iron Islands? Castle Ward, Carrick-a-Rede, Ballintoy Harbour.
Welcome to Beyond Belfast: this is where the magic happens.
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Winner Takes Earth |
The romantic ruins of Dunluce Castle sit precariously on top of a rocky headland overlooking the sea. The 14th century stronghold was abandoned after part of the kitchen collapsed into the sea during a storm in 1639. In the adjoining graveyard are more victims of the crashing Atlantic: buried sailors from the wrecked Spanish Armada ship, the Girona, (Rio)(Rock of Gibraltar) which sank in 1588. Treasures recovered from the wreck can be seen at the Ulster Museum in Belfast. Not too far from here are the Mourne Mountains in County Down, said to have inspired CS Lewis to create Cair Paravel in The Chronicles of Narnia.
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Castles in the Sky |
Cair Paravel is the fictional castle where the Kings and Queens of Narnia rule in The Chronicles of Narnia. It is the location of the four thrones of High King Peter the Magnificent, High Queen Susan the Gentle, King Edmund the Just, and Queen Lucy the Valiant.
Belfast and the coastline of Antrim is also where the Game of Thrones has their film SET it is also home to the Titanic Museum. The Titans in ancient myth and legend were also giants who fought a war against the sky gods. The Queen of Babylion came to the SET to visit not so long ago.
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Mirror Queens Fight for the Throne |
On a personal note the first school that I attended in Belfast was called The Throne School and it was on the White Well Road beside the White City.
The beginning of the White City residential estate on the upper Whitewell Road marks the boundary between the Nationalist and Loyalist communities there. A peace line runs the length of Serpentine Gardens. The road generally had a high level of community integration until 1997 when the Drumcree conflict polarised the two communities in the area and led to increased tension, violence and segregation.
In 2012, as part of an effort to tackle sectarian divisions, the Catholic-run Greencastle CEP and the Protestant-run Whitecity Community Development Association merged to form the Greater Whitewell Community Surgery as single community organisation for all residents of the road and its surrounding districts. Two Tribes become One between the Green Castle and the White City divided by the Serpentine Garden.
Hazelwood Comprehensive College is located on the Whitewell Road. It is an integrated comprehensive secondary school, drawing students from various religious and community backgrounds throughout the greater Belfast area.
The top of the road is home to the Throne Centre, a mixed-use business premises that has had a number of uses over the years. Taking its name from the Giant's Chair, a large stone on nearby Cavehill used as the throne of the O'Neill Clan. So my first school was named after the Giant Throne of the O'Neill Clan a Giant Rock and the O'Neill Clan's emblem is the Red Hand of Ulster a symbol that keeps reappearing here in the Lab. The school stood opposite Arthur's Bridge which would make it a kind of Camelot.
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Under the Rule of Edom |
The street I lived on was called Fairy Knowe or Hill of the Fairies and Protestant and Catholic used to live as good friends and neighbours just like little hobbits in the shire until war came and split us all apart. My family had the good sense to leave the area but some of those who remained were beaten and firebombed out of their homes by the Romans.
So we have a Giant Throne a Red Hand an Arthur's Bridge a White City and a Green Castle divided by a Serpentine Garden. My whole life seems to be based on one big fairytale the question is however is it real or is it fiction, or am I just dreaming it all.
One thing that is constant throughout my personal reality and works of fiction is the Garden and the Fall another question to ask is are the ancient legends and fairytales remnants of actual memories of real events that contain a truth of a another life another reality lived long ago.
Everything goes back to the Garden and the division that took place there everything goes back to the fall and the division of the House of Adam and Eve and their mirror images of Cain and Lilith.
Matt 10
Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 For I have come to part asunder a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a newly married wife from her mother-in-law—
36 And a man’s enemies will be they in his own household.
A separation and a war has to take place before we can come together as one family once again. This separation and war have been going on for some time and each time we reach the point of unity the dark side both male and female which I refer to as Cain and Lilith or the Prince of Persia and the Woman in Black rises up and splits us apart again. This time the dark side has created their own version of oneness their own illusion of peace and unity join with us they say become one with the Ma Chaine instead of one with Mother Eve.
Man and Machine Become One
According to ancient legend Cain and Lilith had red hair and all ancient cultures tell stories of red headed giants emerging from caves to attack the indigenous people. These giants were always described as being cannibals that is they were prone to eating human flesh and drinking human blood.
Red Haired and White Skinned Giants
The ancient CAINaanites were said to be red haired giants and their descendants were the Philistines or PhoeniCains. The Tribe of Dan decided to set up their own religion a hybrid between Jewish and Pagan and they married into the PhoeniCains and it is their bloodline that are now ruling the earth the Brotherhood, those global bankers, those great merchants of the earth. Those belonging to the Red Shield and the Red Rose.
The Red Baron
This civil war between twin's has been raging since the beginning of time
Genesis 25
Isaac prayed to Yehwah for his wife, because she was unable to conceive children; and God granted his prayer and Rebekah his wife conceived [twins]. 22 But the children struggled together within her [kicking and shoving one another]; and she said, “If it is so [that God has heard our prayer], why then am I this way?” So she went to inquire of Yehwah [praying for an answer]. 23 God said to her,
“[The founders of] two nations are in your womb;
And the separation of two nations has begun in your body;
The one people shall be stronger than the other;
And the older shall serve the younger.”
24 When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. 25 The first came out reddish all over like a hairy garment; and they named him Esau (hairy). 26 Afterward his brother came out, and his hand grasped Esau’s heel, so he was named Jacob (one who grabs by the heel, supplanter). Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them.
27 When the boys grew up, Esau was an able and skilled hunter, a man of the outdoors, but Jacob was a quiet and peaceful man, living in tents.
Cain like Esau was the older brother and like Cain he enjoyed killing and hunting Jacob like Abel was a shepherd and peaceful. Cain killed Abel.... Esau wanted to kill Jacob both Esau and Cain had red hair is always related to having a fiery temper and being warlike like Mars the God of War. Jacob's name was later changed to Israel after he had a supernatural encounter with God...Esau went on to found the kingdom of Edom.
Israel and Edom were always sworn enemies and Edom tried to stop Israel from crossing into the Promised Land but in the end Jacob (Israel) is always going to rule over Esau (Edom). Peace and Love will always overcome War and Hate that is the civil war that is taking place within each of us as we are all hybrids we all have both sides contained in our DNA and we all have a choice as to which side we allow to rule over us. Edom is also the Dome the snow globe that we are trapped in the one with the Red Hand that currently rules.
Obed Edom was a guardian a doorkeeper to the door that leads to the Ark to Sanctuary.
2 Sam I Chronicles
The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house for three months. He assigned Obed-edom and his 68 relatives. Obed-edom son of Jeduthun and Hosah were to be doorkeepers and guardians.
The Tudors were known for their red hair both King Henry (Harry) VIII and Queen Elizabeth I were both red heads.
Astonishingly enough, given that only 1 to 2% of the human population has red hair (statistics may have been different in the 16th century), by the time Elizabeth died, England had had a red-headed monarch (either king or queen) for 138 years!!!*
Red Alert
The family of a ginger terrorist who plotted to attack the Royal Family and put red-haired Prince Harry on the throne has been praised for alerting the police.
Neo-Nazi Mark Colborne wanted to “put a bullet in the head” of Prince Charles and Prince William so that ginger Prince Harry would become king.
The 37-year-old fanatic was also accused of planning a “mass terrorist attack” using cyanide so that the world would know the “pain” of all his red-haired brothers or in other words all the world would know of the pain of Cain.
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Whose the Daddy? |
Prince Harry and William were also divided in their loyalties during the England vs Wales match in the Rugby World Cup.
Red versus White
The game of Rugby has always been divided and split from the beginning
England play in white but their emblem is a red rose whilst Wales play in red and their emblem is a white fleur-de-lis the two teams are mirroring each other.
The England manager is called Stuart Lancaster.
The House of Tudor fought for the House of Lancaster and eventually overthrew the House of York both the Tudor's and Lancaster's were represented by the red rose. The Lancaster's represent the Lannister's in Game of Thrones and the Stark's the House of York.
House of Tudor
After 437 years on 11th October 1982 the the Tudor ship Mary Rose was raised up from the sea.
The wreck of the Mary Rose was rediscovered in 1971. It was salvaged in 1982 by the Mary Rose Trust, in one of the most complex and expensive projects in the history of maritime archaeology. The surviving section of the ship and thousands of recovered artefacts are of immeasurable value as a Tudor-era time capsule.
The common explanation for the ship's name was that it was inspired by Henry VIII's favourite sister, Mary Tudor, and the rose as the emblem of the Tudors. Mary Tudor interestingly enough had dark hair not red. According to historians David Childs, David Loades and Peter Marsden, no direct evidence of naming the ship after the King's sister exists.
It was far more common at the time to give ships pious Christian names, a long-standing tradition in Western Europe, or to associate them with their royal patrons. Names like Grace Dieu (Thank God) and Holighost (Holy Spirit) had been common since the 15th century and other Tudor navy ships had names like the Regent and Three Ostrich Feathers (referring to the crest of the Prince of Wales).
The Virgin Mary is another candidate for a namesake, and she was also associated with the mystic rose. The name of the sister ship of the Mary Rose, the Peter Pomegranate, is believed to have been named in honour of Saint Peter, and the badge of the Queen Catharine of Aragon, a pomegranate. According to Childs, Loades and Marsden, the two ships, which were built around the same time, were named in honour of the king and queen, respectively.
The Welsh Fleur-de-lis originated with the Black Prince of Wales.
The feathers had first appeared at the marriage of Edward III to Philippa of Hainault, and it is therefore likely that the Black Prince inherited the badge from his mother.Philippa was descended from the Counts of Hainault, whose eldest son bore the title "Count of Ostrevent", the ostrich (French: autruche, Old French spellings including ostruce) feathers being (perhaps) a heraldic pun on that name. Alternatively, the badge may have derived from the Counts of Luxembourg, from whom Philippa was also descended, and who had used the badge of an ostrich.
He was called "Edward of Woodstock" in his early life, after his birthplace, and since the 16th century has been popularly known as the Black Prince. He was an exceptional military leader, and his victories over the French at the Battles of Crécy and Poitiers made him very popular during his lifetime. In 1348 he became the first Knight of the Garter, of whose order he was one of the founders.
Edward died one year before his father, becoming the first English Prince of Wales not to become King of England. The throne passed instead to his son Richard II, a minor, upon the death of Edward III.
The White Rose was the symbol of the House of York and historically, the white rose symbolized spirituality, innocence and purity, which is how it became associated with weddings and bridal bouquets. It represents new beginnings, remembrance, the Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ. Early tradition used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose.
Another white rose died last week with an Irish connection that involved the Lab's resident actor.
Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, died on Monday night in what is suspected to be a suicide. Cathriona came from a place called Cappawhite in Ireland.
Jim Carrey issued a statement on her death, saying “I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet CathRIOna“.
“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.“ reports:
TMZ reports that White, 28, was found dead by the LAPD Monday night, and that a suicide note was found at the scene.
She last posted on Twitter on September 24: “Signing off Twitter, I hope I have been a light to my nearest and dearest.”
An officer with LAPD told FOX411 the police department does not release information regarding suicides.
Cathriona its a game of thrones with the death of the White Queen
The real White Queen was Elizabeth Woodville who married the Yorkist King Edward even though her family fought for the House of Lancaster and her first husband Mr Grey died fighting for them at the Second Battle of St. Albans.
St Albans was a critical location during the War of the Roses and this week it hit the news again.
A giant sinkhole that opened up in a residential street in St Albans, forcing the evacuation of 20 people, first appeared a week ago and injured a postman working on the street, Royal Mail said.
The 66ft (20m) crater spreads across the driveway and front garden of a property on Fontmell Close and is 33ft (10m) deep.
Twenty people from five homes were evacuated to Batchwood Leisure Centre shortly after 3am.Royal Mail said the hazard first appeared on September 23 when a postman injured himself on a drain cover which gave way. Alban is similar to Albion and this was the ancient name of Britain and was also named after a giant in fact Britain used to be called the Land of the Giants.
According to the 12th century Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of The Kings of Britain") by Geoffrey of Monmouth, the exiled Brutus of Troy was told by the goddess Diana;
Brutus! there lies beyond the Gallic bounds
An island which the western sea surrounds,
By giants once possessed, now few remain
To bar thy entrance, or obstruct thy reign.
To reach that happy shore thy sails employ
There fate decrees to raise a second Troy
And found an empire in thy royal line,
Which time shall ne'er destroy, nor bounds confine.
In returning to Elizabeth Woodville she was called "the most beautiful woman in the Island of Britain" with "heavy-lidded eyes like those of a dragon". She and her mother were also accused of witchcraft and her mother was of European royal blood.
The House of York tried hard to identify themselves through their bloodline to the Sons of Seth.
Edward IV was known as “the Rose of Rouen” in propaganda poems of the period in reference to his birthplace, and the white rose became a dominant icon for the Yorkist dynasty.
In the fictional War of the Roses the hero is called Jon Snow (white) and he is known as the Bastard Son. One of the biggest questions of Game of Thrones lore is who Jon Snow's mother is, but if you're really into it, you know that it's not just a question of who his mother is, it's who his father is too. Sounds familiar to me of all saviour and hero types.
The red and white also relates to blood as well as bloodlines
Isaiah 1 v18 Come now, and let us reason together, says Yehwah: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as white as wool.
Red Blood vs White Blood
WBC (or White Blood Corpuscles) and RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) are essential components of the blood with vital but distinct functions.
RBCs, also called erythrocytes, have a protein called hemoglobin. The blood gets its color when hemoglobin absorbs oxygen from the lungs. As the blood travels through the body, the hemoglobin releases the oxygen(O2) in the tissues. RBCs have a life cycle of 4 months and they appear in the form of flat indented discs.
The WBCs, also called leukocytes, handle more complex functions. They are the defense mechanism of the human body for fighting infections. There are different types of WBCs with varied life cycles and distinct functions. White blood cells also produce a special protein called antibody which recognize and fight the presence of foreign elements in the body.
They move in blood vessels eventually squeezing through capillaries giving O2 and nutrients to body cells. England are sponsored by O2 and their marketing theme has been about the rise of giants.
In Alice In Wonderland the Queen of Hearts is said to be based on the Red Rose Queen of Lancaster Margaret of Anjou who was warlike and led an army against the House of York.
In mythology the red rose is associated with Isis who is crying over her lost love and the white rose is associated with Aphrodite the Goddess of Love.
As well as being a symbol of mystical union, the Rose is particularly associated with the numinous beauty of the goddess and the love her presence evokes within the human heart. It was the most revered flower in ancient Egypt, sacred to Isis herself. Petals, whole flowers and wreaths of roses have been found heaped upon the oldest tombs in the pyramids.
The famous Latin work, Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass, by Apuleius, is an allegory of the trials of an initiate, Lucius, Lucifer who seeks liberation from his unfortunate transformation into a don key. He is finally initiated by Isis himself and returned to his human shape by virtue of her roses.
Alexander the Great was said to have brought roses to the West, and they can be discovered in profusion in the mythology of classical Greece. Hecate, goddess of the crossroads and the underworld was sometimes depicted wearing on her head a garland of five-petalled roses. Roses are particularly associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
One legend tells that the first roses sprang from her tears while another says that it was a gift for gods to celebrate her rising from the sea. Yet another story goes that the rose was originally white, but became red when the goddess pricked her feet on the thorns as she sought her slain lover. In Rome, an effigy of the goddess Cybele, known as the Magna Mater, (Great Mother) was celebrated by being carried in procession covered with roses.
A Greek legend tells that it was Cybele (Isis) herself who created the rose, as she was jealous of Aphrodite and wanted to make something on earth more beautiful than her in their rivalry for Adonis. The priestess of Aphrodite wore wreaths of white roses, and the paths of her sanctuary were strewn with roses.
The House of York as discussed is associated with Rouen and in Rouen, there was a monastery of men and a chorus virginum at the end of the fourth century who had great influence over the Celtic Church. It is quite likely that Saints Ninian and Saint Patrick, both Roman Britons, were influenced by the monastic movement in Rouen, which also influenced St. Germanus of Auxerre, whose two missions to Britain not only strengthened the British Church in Orthodoxy, but also contributed to the development of monasticism in Britain.
The British Church maintained close contact with the Church on the Continent. This contact was later impaired, but not entirely broken, by the Anglo-Saxon incursions. In the days of St. Jerome, Britons travelled to the holy sites of Palestine and some visited the Desert Fathers in Egypt. We learn from the Historia Religiosa of Theodoretos of Cyrrhus (fifth century) that many Britons also flocked to the pillar of St. Symeon the Stylite. The old Irish litany of Saints mentions seven Egyptian monks who were buried in Dysert Ulaidh in Ireland.
Many of those who traveled from the Middle East to Ireland were not just the followers of the false Rome church but the true followers of Christ the Sons of Seth and they fled persecution. They then moved across to Scotland and they were later called the Culdeans and they kept themselves separate from the mainstream Christian Church. They were known as great healers and also for their good deeds in helping the sick and the poor.
The Culdeans, who date from 37AD, appear to have settled in, or close to, an existing holy/power site. Many Mediaeval chapel locations often coincide with older Culdean church sites which themselves were built on earlier Druidic/pagan sites.
The Culdeans initially lived in caves or beehive cells. They were Gnostics, teachers and healers and practised meditation.
They are alleged to be followers of John the Baptist, who escaped from threats to their way of life in the Middle East. They carried with them secret, sacred knowledge, which they passed on to their members. They moved through Europe (some settling in France), into Ireland and from there to Scotland. They established many religious sites throughout Scotland. These sites include one on the island of Iona. They founded one site in England at York, one in North Wales and some in Ireland. Their favourite symbol was the dove, which is said to represent the feminine symbol of the Holy Spirit and like the Druids before them the Culdeans wore white robes.
The origin of their name is unknown and there has been much learnĂ©d debate on this. One school of thought is that it comes from the Irish, ‘Ceile-De’ meaning companion of God. Another source states that the name comes from ‘Cele Dei’ or ‘Keledei’ meaning the children of God, or, yet another states it comes from ‘Culdich’ – strangers from afar. Whatever its origin, the term came to be applied generally to monks and hermits in Scotland.
The etymology of the term Culdeans the persons designated by it, their origin, their doctrines, the rule or rules under which they lived, the limits of their authority and privileges have all been matters of controversy.
In the Irish language the word was written Ceile-De, meaning companion, or even spouse, of God, with the Latin equivalent in the plural, Colidei, anglicized into Culdeans.
York was their only English establishment, where they performed in the tenth century the double duty of officiating in the cathedral church and of relieving the sick and poor. When a new cathedral arose under a Norman archbishop, they ceased their connexion with the cathedral, but, with resources augmented by many donations, they continued to relieve the destitute. The date at which they finally disappeared is unknown.
Nor do we know the fate of the single Culdean house in Wales, which existed at Bardsey in the days of Giraldus Cambrensis. In Scotland they were more numerous even than in Ireland. No less than thirteen monastic establishments were peopled by them, eight of which were in connexion with cathedral churches.
National pride induced some of the Scottish writers to assert that the Culdeans were Scottish and not Irish. But the influence of Ireland on the primitive Christian Church of Scotland was so overwhelming, and facts to show this are so many, that the most able of the Scottish historians, such as Pinkerton, Innes, and Hill- Burton, are compelled to admit that the first Culdeans were Irish, and that from Ireland they spread to Scotland.
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Defeating Cain the Angry Giant |
Building Giant Size Bridges
So just like Finn Macool the Irish Giant building a bridge or giants causeway across to Scotland the Culdeans crossed over from Ireland to Scotland to spread their message. The Giants Causeway was mentioned in the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup by the commentator as the rugby players emerged from below the earth like sleeping giants awakening.
The birth of a new age and a new being 23/9. It's about time.
The Giants Causeway also featured at the end of the movie Hellboy 2 in the movie it was the location of a giant golden army that had been asleep for centuries. The theme of the film was that of twins both good and evil all mixed in.
Which takes us nicely to golden yellow roses.
Long associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is the age-old spokes-color for warm feelings of friendship and optimism. In many Eastern cultures, the color represents joy, wisdom and power. But while any yellow flower will send a lighthearted message, the history of the yellow rose in particular has an optimistic, serendipitous character that really makes it the complete package.
By the 18th century the worldwide love of roses was in full swing, but they were only cultivated in shades of pink and white. At last, the elusive yellow rose was discovered growing wild in the Middle East, and the European love affair with yellow roses was born.
As stated previously Red Roses are associated with blood and bloodlines and there was red blood flowing in another place linked to Roses this week.
Roseburg is a city of about 22,000 people located about 70 miles south of Eu gene, Oregon, and some 180 miles south of Port land.
The college is located on the North HUmpqua River and serves Roseburg and the greater Do(u)g lass County area.
The shooter was British born not American who admired the Irish Republican Army and he used 13 weapons. He attacked the students in an English class and asked if they were Christian before he shot them.
Another link between Roses and the war between the two tribes/twins is the film Citizen Cain which includes the term Rosebud and features mirror images and glass domes throughout.There are immense spiritual truths hidden within this film.
Rosebud is more probably Welles’s intuition of the illusory flashback effect of memory that will affect all of us, particularly at the very end of our lives: the awful conviction that childhood memories are better, simpler, more real than adult memories – that childhood memories are the only things which are real.
The remembered details of early existence – moments, sensations and images – have an arbitrary poetic authenticity which is a by-product of being detached from the prosaic context and perspective which encumbers adult minds, the rational understanding which would rob them of their mysterious force. We all have around two or three radioactive Rosebud fragments of childhood memory in our minds, which will return on our deathbeds to mock the insubstantial dream of our lives.
Citizen Kane Rosebud
Matthew 18
He called a little child and set him before them, and said, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking] and become like little children [trust your childlike faith and imagination], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
This means imagining a world within you that is without fear, without guilt or shame, without hate or anger and rage, and without selfishness. This in turn will then effect your outward surroundings I would recommend reading and meditating on the Book of James (Jacob) which I am going to write exclusively about in an upcoming post.
But here is a snippet in regards to asking for wisdom
If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide them through a decision or circumstance], they are to ask of God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to them. 6 But they must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God’s willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind. 7 For such a person ought not to think or expect that he will receive anything [at all] from God, 8 being a double-minded person, unstable and restless in all their ways [in everything they think, feel, or decide].
In conclusion a civil war has been waging between two twin brothers and two twin sisters this war has been playing out since the beginning of time and we are about to enter into another crucial stage of the conflict. This will be reflected both within us and in the world around us. The Sleeping Giants are awakening the Age of Miracles and Magic are about to return. However we must remember to choose wisely if we are to leave this place of dreams and nightmares behind.
Eirress The Arrow Keeper
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing and sharing it. Rereading the article again has given me renewed strength.
Extraordinary times - extraordinary circumstances.
The ultimate lesson from the Wars Of The Roses article and Matthew 18, for me is: ask for help and don't take my/your armor off while in battle.
Eirress we all need encouragement and our strength renewed at times including me but the Truth is WE are not alone even when it feels that all is lost.
ReplyDeleteWe have a Mother and a Father who have our backs we are not orphans.
They who [dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].